About the Sanctuary
The Sanctuary service aspires to create a reverent worship experience and environment, with a welcoming and inclusive message. The service includes responsive readings, scripture readings, prayers, a sermon, communion (which is open to everyone), and an optional offering.
We also sing hymns and we listen to music from the choir, bells or other musicians. The Sanctuary service is designed to help you to experience the awe and wonder of God, to engage a faith that values heart and mind, and to connect with others following the way of Jesus.
We also sing hymns and we listen to music from the choir, bells or other musicians. The Sanctuary service is designed to help you to experience the awe and wonder of God, to engage a faith that values heart and mind, and to connect with others following the way of Jesus.
Communion is central to our understanding of church and worship and offered weekly. Regardless of membership or background, newcomer or long-timer, ALL who gather are welcome to share in this sacred remembrance of Christ.
At The Sanctuary, we pass communion.
At The Sanctuary, we pass communion.
What to Expect
- The Sanctuary is full of rich traditions and beautiful music.
- A typical Sanctuary service is about one hour.
- Sermons with both scriptural foundation and real-life application.
- Shared leadership among men and women, of all ages, ordained ministers and volunteer laypersons.
- Come as you are, there's no dress code or judgement.
"At Kingwood Christian Church everyone is welcomed with open arms! They welcomed and supported me like family when my husband died, and I experienced major loss, even though I'd only been going to the church for a few months."
During The Sanctuary, kids in kindergarten through second grade are invited to Worship & Wonder. Students will hear an age appropriate Bible lesson and activity. The Nursery, located in Fellowship Hall, is also available for children aged five and under from 9:45AM - 12:15PM.
Order of Service
- Prelude
- Greeting & Announcements
- Passing the Peace
- Call to Worship
- Opening Hymn
- Invocation
- Scripture Reading
- Prayers of the People
- The Lord's Prayer
- Choir Anthem / Special Music
- The Homily
- Confession of Faith
- Hymn of Celebration
- Offertory Meditation
- Sharing of Offering and Pledges & Offertory Music
- The Doxology
- Invitation to the Lord's Supper
- Words of Institution
- The Elder Prays over the Bread and Cup
- Distribution of the Emblems & Communion Music
- Glory Be to God
- The Disciples' Prayer
- Invitation to Respond
- Sending Hymn
- The Benediction
- Postlude
"As a lifelong disciple for more than 80 years, I understand that religion has changed but the need for it has not. The church is essential for a civilized society, for values and structure, balance, relationships, navigating difficult challenges and service to the community.”
- Passing of the Peace
Our enactment of the reconciling love and forgiveness of God through Christ. God’s peace is being shared freely among his people; we are holding and shaking hands in humility and in forgiveness.
- Call to Worship
An invitation for the congregation to turn their attention to God. - Invocation
An opening prayer for the church service. - Prayers of the People
The response of the community and a time of intercession and public prayer in worship using a defined sequence. - The Homily
The sermon. An explanation or further commentary of scripture during the service. - Confession of Faith
Disciples of Christ Identity Statement that helps us articulate and hold clearly the most essential truths of the Christian Faith. - The Doxology
Expression of praise to God. - The Disciples’ Prayer
A prayer of thanksgiving and intercession to focus our minds and guide our path for the coming week. This prayer was written by the KWCC ministers and members of the congregation specifically for us. - Invitation to Respond
We invite you to come forward at this moment in the service to join the church or for prayer. You are welcome to come forward following the service for prayer if you choose. - The Benediction
Short blessing acknowledging that our public worship is concluded.